Saturday, August 21, 2010

From College to MR

Well I guess I’m really part of the Labor force. It took me 4 months to realize that I can no longer be the carefree little boy. I seriously miss those days that I sleep late for a DVD marathon and wake up really late. Then meet up with friends and just worry about where to have lunch and where to spend the long breaks between classes. Now, I guess I can’t be that rascal who just bail out in classes and do anything I want. Now, I don’t have that much free time to stay up late just having that long conversation on pretty much everything. I miss those days that people are just a call or text away to do anything we want. Dinner at Carpark, Nitz, Pards (Sinigangan), Almers, Noval street BBQ, Copy Shop, Siomai House, etc. Watch at the movie house. Coffee at Starbucks, Dezaato and Ministop.

But I guess what I miss the most are those days spent on preparing for school activities, events and tournaments. And the people I’ve spent these days with.

Now, it is completely different. I have to wake up really early to avoid rush hour. Then I need to catch that FX. When I wake up, what I use to worry is my quiz and homework which I can definitely postponed for a moment and just worries about what to eat for breakfast. Now, it is breakfast coupled with worries on the data, their bases, their significance, and pretty much every detail about it. It is not as simple as problems given in schools like derivatives, econometrics, and alpha-delta-phi in the equations in finance. Now, it is all about the demands of the clients you have to immediately address. Now I also have to spend my nights working.

I guess this is the time when we all realize that we have to be responsible. This is when I realize what the real essence of meritocracy is in the real world. We probably spent most of our times in the comfort zones (with friends, with the school, with our bedroom, with our usual carinderia, etc.). Now, we just have to deal with almost everything.

But the most important realization I will probably ponder for a long time is something that everyone might be able to relate with. The pay checks, the salary, the bills!!! I must admit that the entry level salary for most of us is above the minimum pay. NOW, trying to picture living independently from your parents (financial support), this might not be enough. Wage rate here in Manila is easily overwhelmed by the wages in other countries. No doubt that we have a lot of OFWs. No wonder that savings is a myth for minimum wage earners. No matter how we tell and educate the people to change their mind set on savings, it barely makes a scratch given the situation. This is the bitter reality of being an employee. That is why no matter how we dare to dream of being entrepreneurs, it will be impossible. NOW, I can’t blame Marxist movements. I can clearly remember back in Macroeconomics that increasing wages can somehow be in a gray area. This may either make employees happy while profiteers are dismayed or make a backlash in the economy. Will there be any possible solution for this dilemma? Well, I guess for impatient people like me, this may probably take like a lifetime. But for optimists they probably tell you that it may take some time, and we just have to wait. But haven’t we waited for so long?

Now, after all these changes, I have to ask myself. Am I enjoying Market Research?
Well I cannot be certain. Maybe I enjoy MR. I enjoy the everyday learning. I enjoy summarizing the data. I enjoy the company of my newly found friends. I enjoy eating at my cubicle. I enjoy the round table. I enjoy talking to DP and field. Yet a part of me still left me wonders why I am doing this.

For now I guess, I’ll try a bit harder to wake up early. I’ll try to be more over compulsive/detail freak with the data. I’ll try to be consistent just like how consistently I play my I pod playlist of Jayson Mraz on my way to work. Well, this is the time I wish I am a real stoic to worry less about evaluation. Bryan the stoic, where are you?

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